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Inline Editing in the Grid View (Portal & Shared View)

How to enable and use inline editing in the Shared View or Portal grid.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Both the Portal and Shared View include the In-line Editing feature, where records can be edited directly in the grid view, similar to the experience of editing records in Airtable.

This feature is enabled by default for new extensions. To turn it on for your existing portal or shared view, you need to go to:

  1. Tables

  2. Click on the table of your interest and go to the User Actions section

  3. View Type should be set to Grid

  4. Scroll down to find the Inline editing toggle

With this feature enabled, the records will be editable directly on the grid view:

Clicking on the 'Open' link will open the child form.

💡 Tip: Computed fields will be calculated and updated in the grid while you edit the fields.


  • Field validation is disabled while using inline editing.

  • Adding new options to select fields is not supported outside of the child form.

  • Fields with conditional fields or options can only be edited through the edit form.

  • Dynamic filtering will not be applied to linked record fields when inline editing.

  • Linked record fields with dynamic filter fields set to not allow adding records when the filter is empty cannot be edited inline.

  • Linked records can only be selected from the first 100 records in the linked table.

💡 Tip: While the Inline editing feature doesn't offer the functionality to copy and paste records directly in the grid to create new rows in bulk, if the data exists and can be modified in Google Sheets or a similar platform with public CSV URLs, you could use the CSV importer extension to periodically transfer the data to your Airtable base. This could facilitate your workflow if it relies on working with spreadsheets and moving large amounts of data to Airtable.

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