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Extract EXIF data: Settings and Limitations

This article explains how to correctly configure your extract EXIF automation, as well as its limitations.

Updated over a week ago

The Extract EXIF Data from Airtable Attachments automation can extract location coordinates, creation date/time, and camera information from images. Depending on your requirements, you can create and configure the following fields:

  • Attachment Airtable Field:

    • The field that contains your images as attachments.

  • Longitude Airtable Field (Optional):

    • This can be a number or a text field. To correctly capture the data in a number field, enable 'Allow negative numbers' and select the maximum number of decimal places.

  • Latitude Airtable Field (Optional):

    • Configured similarly to the longitude field.

  • Created Date Airtable Field (Optional):

    • This must be a date field. If you wish to extract the creation time, be sure to enable ‘Include time’ in the field configuration.

  • Camera Make Airtable Field (Optional)

    • This must be a text field.

  • Camera Model Airtable Field (Optional)

    • Same as the Camera Make field.

The automation will only extract data already present in the image metadata. If you’re not getting the expected data from your images, it’s possible that the necessary metadata isn’t included. You can check the image settings in your operating system to confirm this.

For example, on MacOS, you can find the metadata under the More Info section after using the Get Info action, as shown in the image above.

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