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124 articles
What are Automations?
Can I group records on the charts?
How to set up the Detect Dominant Color Automation
How can I overwrite output field values with Automations?
How to generate Images for Records
Can I use the xAI Grok model to analyze and modify my Airtable data?
How to upload attachments in bulk to Airtable and match them with their respective records?
How to Convert a URL to PDF
How to Convert HTML to PDF
How to limit the records processed by an automation
Why isn't the record being processed during an automation run?
How to trigger multiple automations using one script in Airtable
What is the runtime limit for Automations?
How can I process only a specific record with an automation?
How to schedule an Automation to run regularly
How to trigger a miniExtensions automation from Airtable
Why is my automation stopping unexpectedly?
How to set up a schedule for a job to run every day at a specific time
Does an automation remember which records have been processed? How can I process a record again?
How to troubleshoot Automation errors
How to troubleshoot issues when generating Barcodes
How to create a RSS feed from your Airtable data?
What is "Test Mode" for Automations?
How can I extract text from attachments?
How to control the number of tokens for output in a ChatGPT automation
What are the limits for the "Analyze and Modify Airtable Data using the GPT Model" Automation?
Error "Automation run failed. Request failed with status code 429."
How to use a different prompt for each Airtable record
What type of attachments are supported by the "Analyze Airtable Attachments with GPT Assistants" Automation?
How do I get my GPT Assistant ID?
How to fix the error message: "The model `gpt-4o` does not exist or you do not have access to it"
How to analyze your Airtable base with ChatGPT
How to select the OpenAI model and the prompt?
How to find the full URL for the CSV file?
Is there a limit for CSV Exporter on the number of records to be included in the file?
Can I select which fields are included in the CSV file by selecting an Airtable view?
How to export a CSV with filters applied
Will updates in Airtable be reflected in the CSV Exporter right away?
Can I use the CSV Exporter to bulk download PDFs and photos from Airtable?
Can I export data from Airtable to Wordpress?
How to import an exported CSV into Google Sheets
How can I combine multiple attachment fields into one?
If this automation runs multiple times, will there be multiple attachments in the same field?
Can you generate PDFs using the Page Designer app in Airtable?
How do I trigger the PDF Generator for only one row?
When run, does the PDF generator recreate all files or only new ones?
How to use the QR code generator to update or display a record when the QR code is scanned
How can I automatically generate QR codes for new records created in Airtable?
How can I print the generated QR codes?
How can I generate alphanumeric numbers for QR codes for my inventory?
How to look up a record by using the QR code scanner on the miniExtensions Form
How can I generate the QR code inside of a Frame?
How can I generate unique numbers for my records to make QR codes from?
How to use the phone camera to scan a QR code and open a specific record in Airtable
Do I keep the generated QR codes even when I cancel my subscription?
If I generate QR codes in bulk, will they all have their own unique name?
How to filter which records to download
Can I download one record at a time by using a "download" button in the record itself?
Can I select multiple attachment fields?
Do you have an automation that can do bulk upload?
How to automatically sort the bulk downloaded attachments by folders
Bulk Download Attachments, Settings & Troubleshooting
How to setup Stripe payments on miniExtensions Form?
Why is the Stripe Checkout page not loading?
Stripe Error "The value for payment price is not a valid number '0'"
Can I capture the full billing address when processing payment with Stripe Checkout?
How can I create a form that can take the amount a client owes and then process it through Stripe?
How to set up a Stripe payment form with a pre-defined product and quantity?
How can I support multiple items at Stripe Checkout with the order's total amount?
Product quantity is not filled on the Stripe Checkout page, why?
We are getting an error log on Stripe “no payment method selected” after people get redirected to the payment page.
Does the Stripe integration support recurring payments?
Does the Stripe integration store Credit Card info for easier payment in the future?
Error "The value provided for quantity is not valid. Quantity must be a number without any text."
I'm getting an error that the email field is invalid before loading the Stripe Checkout page
Error "Not a valid URL"
My substitute formula to replace the placeholders with values returns #Error! msg in airtable.
How do I display an image from an attachment field in the HTML to a webpage Automation?
Does the "HTML to Webpage Converter" require me to have a hosting web server?
The webpage is still showing the old HTML code
Can I print generated webpages?