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How to add or remove Airtable bases to/from a miniExtensions Workspace
How to add or remove Airtable bases to/from a miniExtensions Workspace

I have already connected my miniExtensions to Airtable. I just added a new base and it does not show up in my workspace.

Updated over 6 months ago

New Airtable bases don't show up automatically in miniExtensions unless you have authorized access to "all current and future bases" in your Airtable workspace during the miniExtensions integration process.

Adding or Removing Airtable bases

To change which Airtable bases are available in your miniExtensions workspace, you first need to make sure that you are logged into the Airtable account that was used to connect to miniExtensions. You can find out which account was used by having a look at this article.

Once you are logged into the correct Airtable account you can change which Airtable bases are available in your miniExtensions workspace by following these steps:

  1. You need to go to Airtable and click on the Profile icon at the top right of the screen.

  2. Click on Integrations

  3. A modal (pop-up) will appear. Go to the Third-party integrations tab and click on the miniExtensions integration. If you have multiple miniExtensions workspaces, you may see multiple instances of miniExtensions here. Please make sure you pick the correct one! If you don't see miniExtensions on this screen, that means that you are not logged into the Airtable account that was used to connect your miniExtensions workspace. In that case, please check which account is connected and log into that account.

  4. At the bottom of the modal, you now have two options:

    1. To add a new Airtable base to your miniExtensions workspace, click on Add a base. Select the base you want to add then click on Save changes. Alternatively, you can choose "all current and future bases" so new bases will show up in miniExtensions automatically in the future.

    2. To remove an Airtable base from your miniExtensions workspace, please first make sure that you have no extensions or automations in that base in your miniExtensions workspace! 🚨Be very careful when doing this!!🚨 Removing bases with extensions or automations in them will result in broken extensions/automations!!

      Once you are absolutely sure that the base is not used in miniExtensions, just click the "x" icon next to the base and then Save changes to confirm.

      If you had previously chosen "all current and future bases" but want to remove specific bases, you would need to remove that option first and then add back in all bases that you still want to use with miniExtensions. 🚨Not adding back in all bases with extensions or automations in them will result in broken extensions/automations!!🚨

  5. You can now go back to the miniExtensions dashboard, refresh the page and the changes you made should have already taken effect!

Special Considerations for Enterprise Accounts

Why are some bases still missing after integrating Airtable?

It's possible for some bases to be connected with miniExtensions while others are not, especially on enterprise Airtable accounts where admin permission issues may arise. If you have followed the instructions in the article and the base still hasn't been added to your miniExtensions account, try the following:

1. Third-party integrations limitation

In the admin panel settings, there's an option to disable OAuth integrations by default. Even if you selected "All current and future bases in this enterprise" some bases could still be missing if they are in a different workspace.

Check if the option "Disable API access for all third-party integrations, unless explicitly allowed" is enabled. If so, miniExtensions need to be added to the "allowlist". Please visit Airtable docs for more information.

2. Airtable service accounts

The instructions are similar to regular accounts. Make sure the account has been authorized with the base you're missing.

⚠️ Note: adding a service account as a user to your base doesn't magically make that base appear in miniExtensions.

3. Connected with the wrong Airtable account

It is possible that the miniExtensions workspace is not connected to your Airtable account. In case you need to change it, you need to disconnect the existing connection to reconnect miniExtensions with another Airtable account.


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