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How to resolve Error Code 422

How to avoid the "Cannot parse value for field 422", "undefined 422" & "Unable to save form because of an unknown field" errors

Updated yesterday

This error can occur in both extensions and automations when the base structure available to miniExtensions becomes out of sync with Airtable, for example when field types are changed. Synchronisation is automatically triggered when certain dashboard pages are refreshed, so these errors are fairly rare. In most cases, simply refreshing the extension or automation configuration page will resolve this issue. Failing that, you can trigger a manual refresh through the Options menu:

422 Errors on the Form, Portal or Shared View

This error is known to occur if a field type was changed in Airtable while a form was being filled out or the portal/shared view was being used. A common change that triggers this message is going from a single-select field to a multi-select field.

How to keep using the Extension

If your users run into this error, refreshing the page will allow the form to be submitted and the portal/shared view to be operational again. However, any changes that have not been submitted successfully (i.e. without an error message) will be lost. To avoid losing work, your users can copy the content of any field to a text editor and then paste the values back into the extension after refreshing the page.

How to Prevent this Error

To prevent this error, it's recommended that you perform any field type modifications during low-activity hours for your business, especially if your form takes a significant amount of time to be filled out or your users rely heavily on your portal or shared view.

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