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miniExtensions Billing Overview
miniExtensions Billing Overview

Learn how billing works on current miniExtensions plans

Updated over a week ago

In this article we will explain the basics of billing for your miniExtensions workspace, as well as answer some frequently asked questions.

We currently have a range of plans available, aimed at different types of users and use cases. You can find out more about the features and limitations of our plans here and on our pricing page.

miniExtensions plans are per workspace. Whenever you're working on anything in miniExtensions, please make sure you're using the correct workspace.

How billing works

  • All plan changes are prorated. That means if you switch to a different plan in the middle of your billing cycle, you will only pay for the price difference for the remainder of the billing cycle.

  • You can see your current monthly cost, next estimated payment, renewal date and much more by clicking on Manage billing on your settings page. Please just make sure the correct workspace is selected on the left!

  • Only workspace owners and admins can access billing information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which payment methods do you accept?

We process our payments through Stripe and support the following payment methods at the moment:

  • Credit Card

  • Link

  • Amazon Pay

How do I purchase a subscription?

You can purchase your subscription through the Upgrade Plan button on your main dashboard, or by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Buy subscription

This will bring up a pop-up with the currently available plans. Select the plan you want, choose whether to be billed monthly or annually and click Buy subscription.

Please ensure that your plan of choice supports the extension types, features and number of extensions or automations you require. You can see the features and limitations associated with each plan here or on our pricing page. Since the free plan supports all extension types for testing purposes you may run into limitations when trying to upgrade to some of our plans.

For more information about our pricing, please visit our pricing page.

Monthly subscriptions can be upgraded to annual billing. Lower plans can also be upgraded to a higher plan.

When is my subscription renewal date and how much will it cost?

You can find this information by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Manage Billing

There, you will see your renewal date, current monthly cost and your next estimated payment. These values may or may not be identical, depending on whether your extension count has changed during your current billing cycle.

How can I upgrade my subscription?

You can upgrade your subscription by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Upgrade plan

  3. Select the plan you wish to upgrade to by clicking the appropriate Upgrade button

Can a single plan be used for more than one miniExtensions workspace?

Subscriptions are tied to individual miniExtensions workspaces, so it’s not possible to share a single plan across multiple miniExtensions workspaces. You can still link multiple Airtable workspaces to one miniExtensions plan; the limitation applies specifically to having multiple miniExtensions workspaces under a single plan.

How can I update my credit card details?

You can change your payment method by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Manage Billing

Where can I find my invoices and how can I download them?

You can find your invoices by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Manage Billing

  3. Go to the Invoice History section

  4. Click on the icon beside the date

  5. Click the Download Invoice button

Can I access our company's invoices on miniExtensions if I'm not the account owner?

In order to view billing-related information and settings you need to be the workspace owner or an admin. You can contact your workspace owner for assistance if you don't have the required access.

How will I be charged when I upgrade my plan?

Upgrades are prorated. You'll only be charged for the difference between what you already paid and the new plan. Depending on how many days have passed, the amount you paid will be discounted from the new subscription.

In the next billing period, you will pay the whole amount of the new plan.

Do disabled extensions or automations count toward my plan limits?

Only enabled extensions and automations count toward your plan limits. Disabled ones do not. You can create and manage as many extensions or automations as you like, as long as the ones you’re not using remain disabled.

Disabled extensions or automations won't prevent you from switching plans.

How can I update my billing address?

You can update your billing address by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Manage Billing

  3. You can then update your address in the BILLING AND SHIPPING INFORMATION section

The new information (e.g. company name, address) will apply to all future invoices and receipts. Past invoices will not be updated with the new data.

How can I add a VAT number to my invoice?

You can add it by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Manage Billing

This change will only apply to future invoices. Past invoices will not be updated with the new data.

How can I upgrade from a monthly to an annual plan?

You can change your billing cycle at any time by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Manage Billing or Subscription & Billing

  3. Click Update Plan

  4. Select Yearly

  5. Click Continue

  6. Finally, you'll see the total amount before you Confirm.

You don't need to cancel your monthly plan to upgrade. When you switch to the annual plan, you'll only be charged for the prorated difference of what you already paid for. Even if you've already been charged for this month, the amount you paid will be discounted from the annual plan when you switch.

How can I cancel my plan?

You can cancel your account subscription by going to:

  1. Select the correct workspace on the left

  2. In the Billing section, click Cancel subscription

Cancellations take effect at the end of your current billing cycle.

How can I downgrade my plan?

You can downgrade to a different, currently available plan at any time. The option is not available in the dashboard, but you can contact us through the chat icon in the bottom right corner and we would be happy to assist you. If you're downgrading, the price difference for the remainder of your billing cycle will be applied as credit in the next billing cycle.

If you wish to downgrade your plan, you need to first ensure that your workspace falls within the limits of your new plan.

Can I pause my subscription?

We don't have a way to pause subscriptions, but you can cancel your subscription and resubscribe again at any time. All your remaining extensions will still be there when you come back.

If your account is on one of our legacy plans (i.e. one that is not currently shown on our pricing page), you won't be able to get that plan anymore. Once your subscription is canceled, you'd only be able to subscribe to the new rate when you come back. You would need to go to your miniExtensions dashboard to start a new subscription with the plans currently available.

How can I resume my subscription?

If your subscription has been cancelled previously, you can resubscribe by any of the methods outlined here. Please note that you will only be able to subscribe to a plan that is currently available and will not be able to get your previous plan back if we don't offer it anymore.

What happens if my subscription is cancelled?

You can cancel or upgrade at any time.

Cancellations take effect at the end of your current billing cycle. The configuration for any remaining extensions or automations will stay saved and won't be deleted.

If there is a failure to process the credit card payment for your subscription and you failed to update your card information in time (e.g. the transaction was blocked by your bank or the card has expired), you will receive an email informing you about it. We will attempt to charge your card again for three consecutive days, during which your subscription will remain active. If the transaction is still unsuccessful, your subscription will be canceled.

If your account is on one of our legacy plans (i.e. one that is not currently shown on our pricing page), you won't be able to get that plan anymore. You have the option to either upgrade your workspace to a current subscription or cancel your subscription and select a new one. However, please note that if your subscription is canceled, you’ll only be able to resubscribe at the current rates when you return. You would need to go to your miniExtensions dashboard to start a new subscription with the plans currently available.

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