29 articles
How to force update changes in Airtable base structure in miniExtensions?
How is miniExtensions affected by the recent announcements by Airtable regarding the attachment field?
The extension is not loading within Airtable.
Error "Field name(s) changed."
How to undo the changes made in the extension setting page
How to easily find the field in Airtable with incorrect permission?
Error "This site can't be reached" or "Safari Can't Connect to the Server"
Error "The email address is badly formatted."
I forgot my password. How to reset it?
Error "Ambiguous field name"
Can I run an Airtable script using a button in miniExtensions?
Error "Logged-in user does not have access to the requested workspace."
403 - {"error":{"type":"INVALID_PERMISSIONS","message":"Invalid permissions"}}
Error "Unexpectedly found a non-primitive value for field type button."
Error "Missing some data. Please fill in all required information."
How to delete my account?
How to enable the equivalent to "Allow this field to be set in records created through forms"
We run Airtable Enterprise. When I install miniExtensions it claims it’s blocked by my organization?
How to rearrange the order of the fields?
Error "The email address is already in use by another account."
How to change the email address used to log in to my account?
I signed up with Google Sign in. How to change my login to use a username/password instead?
Can I recover an extension that was accidentally deleted?
Error "Request failed with status code 500"
Error "Could not find what you are looking for"
What does it mean that an extension is "no longer maintained"?
Extensions are not loading
Error "Unexpected end of JSON input"
[AirtableError undefined] The Airtable API might be experiencing issues.