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Form, Portal & View Editor settings
43 articles
How does the login feature work for the form and portal?
How to allow portal users to sign up?
How to allow users to log in by 'selecting' a record instead of typing its info?
How to track which employee filled out the form?
How to limit who can access the portal or the form?
How to allow portal users to reset their passwords?
How to set a custom error message when a record does not exist during login?
How to allow users to update their records?
How to let portal/form users log in without a password?
How to hide the login info on the screen?
How to look up barcodes & QR codes on the login page?
How can the portal be accessed without a password?
Can I lookup Barcodes & QR codes using an attachments field?
How to use the rollup field as a login field?
I want to embed a form in my portal but the form requires login.
Error "Could not find the logged in user"
Error: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window":
Access is denied for this document.
How to get my form into the Apps window in Airtable?
How to embed a form or portal into a website
We have a Wordpress website and we want to autofill the logged-in user data when they click on the form link.
How to embed a portal in my website so that users don't have to log in?
How to embed an individual record into my website?
429 - {"errors":[{"error":"RATE_LIMIT_REACHED","message":"Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later"}]}
How to select which fields show up on the portal or the form's linked records?
How to change the background and button color in the form or portal
How to configure different child form setups for two linked records fields in the same table?
Can I change font family and size?
How to use a custom domain for your extensions
How to change the favicon?
How to hide preview field titles in a list of records
Which HTML Tags are supported in Formula Fields?
Why is the 'Create New' button not showing up for the linked record field or in the portal?
404 - {"error":{"type":"MODEL_ID_NOT_FOUND","message":"Table not found"}}
How many people can be using our extension at the same time?
Why is my form/portal slow?
Error "Not authorized to update this record."
Error "Network error"
Error "Request failed with status 524"